Samoyed Club of America

Promoting the well being and future of the Samoyed breed.

The official AKC breed club for the Samoyed since 1923.

What Is CHIC

What is CHIC?

How do I get a CHIC number for my dog?

A CHIC number is issued when test results are entered into the database satisfying each breed specific requirement, and when the owner of the dog has opted to release the results into the public domain. The CHIC number itself does not imply normal test results, only that all the required breed specific tests were performed and the results made publicly available. Once all tests results have been submitted to OFA, a CHIC number is issued in 2 to 3 weeks.

Informed Consent:

CHIC operates an informed consent database. Owners are encouraged to release all test results realizing it is in the ultimate health interests of the breed and the information greatly increases the depth and breadth of any resulting pedigree analysis. In order to qualify for a CHIC number, all results must be released into the public domain.

Permanent Identification:

In addition to the breed specific requirements, a CHIC requirement is that the dog must be permanently identified via microchip or tattoo in order to qualify for a CHIC number.

Discounts for Optigen Tests:

  • Optigen offers a 5% discount for completing the test application online.
  • Occasionally, Optigen offers “20/20” clinics where the costs of the DNA tests are discounted. They have also offered seasonal “discount days” occasionally throughout the year. These are announced on their calendar.
  • Offspring of parents who have been tested also receive a discount.
  • Historically, the folks working at Optigen have been very willing to answer questions and work to get the best discount possible on the tests performed. If you have questions, they can be reached at (607)257-0301

Can my dog be cleared by parentage?

OFA’s policy for cleared by parentage is for direct mutant gene tests only. The OFA will issue clearances to untested offspring when the following conditions are met:

  • If the sire and dam have both been DNA tested “Clear,”
  • If the sire and dam’s DNA disease test results have been OFA registered, and
  • If all three (sire/dam/offspring) have been DNA identity profiled and parentage verified.

More information can be found at the OFFA site.

Current Samoyed CHIC requirements

  • Eye examination by a boarded ACVO Ophthalmologist, minimum age 1 year

The owner must send their copy of the OFA Eye Certification Registry form, along with appropriate payment, to the OFA for entry into the Eye Certification Registry. Upon owner submission of results to the Eye Certification Registry, dogs with passing results, including those with “breeder option codes,” are issued certification numbers. A report is printed and sent to the owner, and the results are published on the OFA website. Owners also have the option of submitting non-passing results to the registry. If the abnormal release block on the application form is initialed, these results will also be published on the OFA website, although no certification number is issued. In order to encourage open sharing of results, there is no charge to submit abnormal results into the open database.

Certification is valid for twelve (12) months from the date of the eye exam. Annual re-examination is required to maintain CHIC status.

  • Hip Dysplasia

OFA Evaluation  – OR

OVC Evaluation (Program Discontinued May 15, 2012) – OR

PennHIP Evaluation

Results reported to OFA

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (X-Linked PRA) DNA Test

DNA based test from an approved laboratory on either blood or a cheek swab


Test results submitted to OFA (linked to:

  • Congenital Cardiac Database

OFA evaluation with examination performed by a Cardiologist.  An echocardiogram can be submitted, but is not required.

  • Retinal Dysplasia/OculoSkeletal Dysplasia (RD/OSD)

DNA based test from an approved laboratory on either blood or a cheek swab


Test results submitted to OFA

Any additional questions, please contact SCA’s CHIC liaison, Cheri Hollenback at