Benefits of Joining

Samoyed Club of America members choose to belong to the official AKC Samoyed Breed Club because it:
- Urges member breeders to accept and adopt the SCA/AKC Samoyed Breed Standard as the only Standard toward which Samoyeds should be bred, exhibited, and judged;
- Encourages the breeding of purebred Samoyeds based on the Breed Standard and does all it can to bring the Samoyed’s natural qualities to perfection;
- Protects and advances the best interests of the Samoyed and encourages sportsmanlike competition at Samoyed events;
- Encourages the organization of local Samoyed Specialty Clubs, where there are a sufficient number of Samoyed fanciers to justify their establishment;
- Encourages compliance to the Samoyed Club of America Code of Ethics, a guideline for SCA members and breeders;
- Approves the holding of sanctioned matches, specialty shows, and obedience trials and other events for the Samoyed under AKC rules by local specialty clubs and holds a National Specialty annually, the location of which moves among the major geographical areas on a four year rotation;
- Encourages membership participation in conformation and obedience with an Annual Awards Program, encourages competion among breeders with the SCA Futurity, and encourages members to explore all the talents of this remarkable breed with the SCA Working Dog Certification Program;
- Maintains relationships with and reports information from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA), Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF), Organization for the Working Samoyed (OWS), American Kennel Club (AKC), American Dog Owneres Association (ADOA);
- Coordinates in cooperation with the local clubs Samoyed Rescue nationally;
- Casts important votes on behalf of its membership as a member club of the of the American Kennel Club (AKC) through the SCA’s delegate and as the only organization authorized to, amends the Samoyed Breed Standard, as adopted by the AKC, meaning that SCA members are the authors and protectors of the Samoyed Breed Standard;
- Sends each member, five times a year, the SCA BULLETIN, its award winning newsletter that includes the club activity both national and local, regular columns, and informational features of interest to Samoyed owners, plus photogenic display advertisements showing members dogs.
All this is available for the annual membership dues of $35.00 individual or $50.00 family. There is also a newsletter membership available for $35.00.
To become a member, applicants must be sponsored by two SCA members in good standing who accept the responsibility of this sponsorship, and applicants must have their names and addresses announced to the entire membership by being published in the SCA Bulletin prior to being accepted as members.
If all these factors fit the kind of Samoyed owner you are, consider joining the membership of the Samoyed Club of America and becoming a part of Samoyed history.
How to join: Sponsorship, application and online dues payment.
For more information, contact the SCA Corresponding Secretary.