
Too many new owners are being sold on Samoyeds being “easy” to keep clean, they never get dirty, never shed, never have odor and need never be bathed! This is misrepresentation of the breed. Unless under close supervision, they are not easy to keep clean; they do shed, as much as a bushel in two combings; let them run through a barnyard and they will smell as offensive as one. A wet, soiled Sammy has the odor of a filthy wet, wool blanket; at this point come to the conclusion that they must be bathed after all.
Soil begins right after bathing, the wet coat picking up soil much more than when dry. Keep him confined in a small clean area until dry. The coat can be kept quite clean for several weeks by washing the feet after each outdoor romp and rubbing the body down every day with a wet towel, drying briskly with a white Turkish towel; note the soil on towel.
Brushing helps to remove soil and your dog will look presentable with daily grooming. A lawn is cleaner than earth, digging to an extent requires a bath. The time to bathe depends upon your dog, his surroundings, training and you. Weather plays a very important role. A Winter of snowfalls bathes him for you, he will become cleaner as he rolls in each new snowfall. Frequent brushing will not keep the coat clean, it will keep the soil light for some time. However, sooner or later he will become dirty and a bath is necessary.
Your pet should be bathed at least twice a year for his health and comfort. Bathe right after the wool has been combed out, this will remove loose dead hairs and clean the skin; this stimulates the growth of his new coat. Do use a good dog shampoo which conditions both the skin and coat, not a cheap detergent which can and does dry and irritate the skin. Use lukewarm water.
Trim toenails every three weeks if necessary, do not cut into the quick. At this time trim the hair beneath the pads, level with the pads. This is very important as long hair will cause the dog to slip from poor footing. It will also cause him to go down in pastern as he will tend to walk on the heel pad rather than the toe pads as is normal.
Check teeth for discoloration which can be removed with a toothbrush and paste. Tartar should be removed by your veterinarian. Hard dog biscuits and rawhide bones will help prevent and remove it.
Urine stains the coat, bathing will not remove it unless done at once. The sun will burn the harsh outer coat and it will appear a soiled brown color, especially over the back. Be sure your dog has ample shade at all times. Never place him where shade is not available, plan your fenced-in area by trees.
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