2023 SCA National Results

4-6 Month Beginner Puppy
Judge: Mr. Larry F. Mackai
Held at The Founders Inn and Spa, Virginia Beach, VA
September 28, 2023
4-6 Month Beginner Puppy – (11 entered, 2 absent)
Best of Breed 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy
- Snowbright’s Stay Out Of My Lane (B) – R Sigulinsky / T Sigulinsky
Best of Opposite Sex 4-6 Month Beginner
- Snowbright’s Express Lane (D) – R Sigulinsky / T Sigulinsky
Puppy Sweepstakes
Judge: Mr. Ken Granacki
Held at The Founder’s Inn and Spa, Virginia Beach, VA
September 27, 2023
Sweepstakes – Puppy – (22 Dogs, 54 Bitches)
Dogs, 6 to 9 Months (8 entered)
- Snowbright’s Too Lo-Ki For Me – T Sigulinsky / R Sigulinsky / M Majidzadeh
- ArticCross Fat Guy In A Little Coat – G Cahen / J Rydstrand
- Vanderbilt’s Lucky Shot – J Elford / B Elford
- ArticCross Kraken Big Jokes In Church – T Barkman / A Barkman / J Rydstrand
Dogs, 9 to 12 Months (8 entered, 2 absent)
- CH WALA’s Ace Of Hearts @ Rexann – W Adams / L Adams / K Bube
- Velvet Sky’s When You’re Smiling – D O’Connor / M O’Connor / N Ramsey
- Moonlighter’s Dancing The Happy Dance – J Nonhof / C Buhaly-Ibold
- Chronicle’s Just Hasta B Shasta – C Crane / C Crane
Dogs, 12 to 15 Months (5 entered, 1 absent, 1 excused, 1 entered in wrong class)
- None
- White Magic’s Guardian Angel – P Zezima
- Kalabria’s Japanese Cryptomeria – K McCloskey
Dogs, 15 Months and up (6 entered)
- CH Cot’n Pic’n Top It Off – M Goodenough
- GCH CH Cot’n Pic’n Take It From The Top At Sarasea – R Moore
- Safyr’s Koda Bear Takes Life By The Raines – D Richards
- CH Limelight N ArticCross On The Road Again CD, FDC – J Rydstrand
Bitches, 6 to 9 Months (25 entered, 2 absent)
- Vanderbilt’s Lucky Ducky – J Elford / B Elford
- Atomic American Beauty – D DeFonzo
- Wild Spirit’s Big Girls Don’t Cry – T Dubois / K Dubois
- Snowshoe’s Shiny New Year – G Cashen / H Galloway
Bitches, 9 to 12 Months (15 entered, 2 absent)
- Chronicle N Igloo Top The Naughty List – L Seman
- Dreamquest’s Million Dollar Diamond – B Barkhaus / R Barkhaus
- Niwot N 5M From The Sphere Of Happiness – C Martin / R Martin / J Putnins
- Saratoga’s Chasing Snowflakes – H Nieman / B Bolena
Bitches, 12 to 15 Months (4 entered)
- Kalabria’s Aspen Quake At Pipedream – E Moore / D Moore
- Snobiz A Journey Thru Time SCN – R Clark / J Clark
- CelticFrost A Time To Rise – J Deleo / L Deleo
- CAN CH Samspirit First Legacy Rose – M Pascase Gobeil
Bitches, 15 Months and up (16 entered, 2 absent)
- Cot’n Pic’n Coco Loco – S Shute / W Shute / M Goodenough
- Sunkaska’s Almost Heaven – L Wirth-Poirier
- Fionntan’s Cold Day In The Sun Tailliuir – C Rankin
- Fionntan’s Best Of You At Niwot – J Putnins / J Putnins / R Martin
Best Puppy In Sweeps
- CH Cot’n Pic’n Top It Off (D 15+)
Best Of Opposite Sex To Best Puppy In Sweeps
- Cot’n Pic’n Coco Loco (B 15+)
The Judges’s Perspective
I want to thank all of the 88 puppies who entered under me at the 2023 SCA National Specialty puppy sweepstakes. Overall, the quality of the dogs and bitches was exceptional. I only saw one bad bite and a couple of dogs with temperament issues that I didn’t like; so overall a very solid group of youngsters. One thing that as a breed we need to work on is the return of upper arm. I saw less short upper arms than I have in years past, but we need to work on the angle of that upper arm, to come back under the chest or your dog won’t be able to achieve the reach that is desired in the breed.
My boys: My first class of 6-9 had the typical cute fluffy baby boys. My class winner had foot timing to die for. This boy will be a big winner in the future as he had the type, angles, and structure that I look for. He was in the running for my Best in Sweeps, just needed a couple of more months of maturity for him to grow into the angles he has. His foot timing was exceptional, he floated at the same time moved with purpose. My 9-12 boys, usually the naked class, had some nice kids in it. My class winner was a big solid boy with sound movement and nice breed type. My 12-15 class was the smallest class, and the winner was a clean moving, good solid dog. I was sorry to hear later the superintendent put him in the wrong class and the owner had to vacate his very deserving win. My 15-18 class was deep for a small entry class. It was a tough decision between a few of the placings. My winner was outstanding, the entire package a young dog SHOULD be. He was SO sound and balanced with outstanding breed type and exceptional movement that will take him far in the specials ring. Anyone that knows me, knows I love my bitches, but this boy blew me away and was my Best in Sweeps. I would proudly take him in the ring on the end of my lead any day. I expect to see him doing great things in the specials ring for years to come.
My girls: My 6-9 bitch class was huge! 25 bitches and not nearly enough ribbons. I would have loved to have enough ribbons to award placements in that class to everyone that made the cut. They were all deserving. My class winner dripped in breed type and had the structure to back it up. Clean down and back and foot timing on the side that was perfect. She was one I wanted to take home for sure. A standout in that HUGE class of baby girls and in the running for my Best in Sweeps. My 9-12 class didn’t have the size, but the movement was there for sure. Many times it’s a hard age for coats, but anyways, structure matters most. My class winner was a larger girl but flawless mover. Front assemblies like this are hard to get and harder to keep in our breed, and this girl definitely had it. 12-15 girls was a small class, but had some nice girls. My class winner had both solid structure, and nice breed type. 15-18 girls, another tough decision in this class between 1st and 2nd place, both were structurally sound and equally deserving to win the class. I had to split hairs to pick the winner as they both had the whole package. The winner of this class was my Best of Opposite in puppy sweeps and a girl I would love to have as both part of my breeding program and on the end of my lead as a special.
It was an honor, and my dream assignment, to judge the sweeps at the National. I loved my final lineup for Best in Sweeps. I was blown away to find out my Best in Sweeps and Best of Opposite were littermates and that four of my eight class winners shared a common sire. I can’t wait to follow the careers of those beautiful babies that were exhibited to me.
Ken Granacki
Judge: Mrs. Karen McFarlane
Held at The Founders Inn and Spa, Virginia Beach, VA
September 26, 2023
Futurity – (7 dogs, 27 bitches)
Dogs, Puppy 6 to 9 Months (4 entered)
- Koukla’s Winston C. – A Jarrett / A Jarrett / T Mitchell
- Atomic Lord Of The Ring – D DeFonzo
- Sweet T’s Fergus The French Pickpocket – T Santiago / R Santiago / S Tolland
- Solid Gold New Beginning – A Sommer
Bitches, Puppy 6 to 9 Months (13 entered)
- Rexann’s Time After Time To NDN – K Bube
- Atomic American Beauty – D DeFonzo
- Rexann’s Sands Of Time – K Bube
- Koukla’s Holi Festival Of Colors – J Stevens / T Mitchell
Best Intersex – Puppy 6 to 9 Months
- Koukla’s Winston C. (D)
Reserve Intersex – Puppy 6 to 9 Months
- Rexann’s Time After Time To NDN (B)
Dogs, Puppy 9 to 12 Months (2 entered)
- Chronicle’s Just Hasta B Shasta – C Crane / C Crane
- Chronicle’s Storybook Ending – D Salter / R Salter
Bitches, Puppy 9 to 12 Months (5 entered, 1 absent)
- Silverplume’s Moonlight Lady – T Schopfer
- Saratoga’s Chasing Snowflakes – H Nieman / B Bolena
- Chronicle N Igloo Top The Naughty List – L SemanT Schopfer / K Schopfer
- Snokrest’s Spirit Of Mercury RATN – C Bouthiller
Best Intersex – Puppy 9 to 12 Months
- Chronicle’s Just Hasta B Shasta (D)
Reserve Intersex – Puppy 9 to 12 Months
- Silverplume’s Moonlight Lady (B)
Best Futurity Puppy
- Koukla’s Winston C. (D 6-9)
Bitches, Juniors 12 to 15 Months (3 entered)
- CelticFrost A Time To Rise – J Deleo / L Deleo
- Snobiz A Journey Thru Time SCN – R Clark / J Clark
- Snobiz Makes My Heart Smile CGC TKN RATN RN – J Gerdes
Best Intersex – Junior 12 to 15 Months
- CelticFrost A Time To Rise (B)
Dogs, Juniors 15 Months and up (1 entered)
- Solid Gold Follow My Lead RN, CGC, TKN – M Berry-Beyer / B Beyer
Bitches, Juniors 15 Months and up (8 entered, 1 absent)
- Safyr’s Who’ll Stop The Rain RATI RATN FDC – B Orr / D Nelson / L Chikosky
- Sunkaska’s Almost Heaven – L Wirth-Poirier
- Snowater’s Comin’ In Hot Too Snowbastian – L Robertson / D Hauer
- Snowater’s Flamin’ Hot Snostopper – F Blair / A Blair / D Hauser
Best Intersex – Junior 15 Months and up
- Safyr’s Who’ll Stop The Rain RATI RATN FDC (B)
Reserve Intersex – Junior 15 Months and up
- Sunkaska’s Almost Heaven (B)
Best Futurity Junior
- Safyr’s Who’ll Stop The Rain RATI RATN FDC (B 15+)
Grand Futurity Winner
- Koukla’s Winston C. (D 6-9)
Veteran Sweepstakes
Judge: Mr. Ken Granacki
Held at The Founder’s Inn and Spa, Virginia Beach, VA
September 27, 2023
Sweepstakes – Veteran (13 Dogs, 23 Bitches)
Dogs, Veteran 8-10 Years (9 entered, 1 absent)
- CH Winterson’s Blue Moon Rising RE, FDC, CAX, CGC, TKN – D O’Connell / E O’Connell
- GCH CH Kareboo’s Good To The Last Drop BCAT, CA – T Palks / S Palks
- GCHS CG Cuvee’s Insignia At Sterling – M McNeil
- CH VA Taz’s Scrumptious Peanut Butter – C Gustafson
Dogs, Veteran 10-12 Years (4 entered, 1 absent)
- GCH CG Rexann’s Curtain Call RN, FDC, CGCA, CGCU, ATT – K Bube / D Cummings
- GCHB CH Moonlighter’s Solitary Man RE, OJP, OAP, ACT2, CGCA, TKI, BCAT, RATO, WSXM, TDIAOV – L Gliemi
- GCH CH Artic Star’s Noble Prince of Sarge CA – L Ossmann / J Schuemacher / C O’Neill
Dogs, Veteran 12 Years and Up (2 entered)
- GCH CH Cascade ‘N Starstruck Surfin’ Sahalie CA, BCAT – C Hollenback / D Rautio
- CH San Juan Orion The Light Of Dawn RN – A Myrick / A Myrick
Bitches, Veteran 8-10 Years (9 entered, 1 absent)
- GCH CH SFX ArticCross French Kiss CA CGC – L Chapek-Carleton / K Williams
- CH Double Helix Snowdogs Rising Star At Snobiz AX, OAJ, NF, CA, BCAT, WSXM – R Clark
- OTCH, MACH, RACH Double Helix Love Will Thaw UDX5, OGMM BN, GN, VER, RM2, RAE3, MX5, MJB, MXP, OF, T2B – M Drexler
- GCHB CH Ivory Storm’s Runnin’ With The Devil NAP, NJP, BCAT – K Filicetti / J Filicetti
Bitches, Veteran 10-12 Years (11 entered, 1 absent)
- GCHB CH Metak’s Miss Demeanor FDC, IT – K Brooks-Hodges / Q Hodges
- Sterling’s Song Of The Knight – M McNeil
- GCH CH Bilrost’s Dark Side Of The Rainbow RN, CA – J Putnins / A Verbruggen / S Martin
- CH Bilrost’s Out Of This World RI, CA, CGC – J Putnins / A Verbruggen
Bitches, Veteran 12 Years and Up (6 entered, 1 absent)
- GCH CH DBL Helix ArticCross Nu Blood At SFX CA – L Chapek-Carleton / K Williams
- CH Pearl Snickerdoodles – D Dupont / D Walther / J Hovelmann
- GCHB CH K2 Triple Shot White Chocolate Mocha CAA, BCAT, HIC – T Palks / S Palks
- Poltergeist’s Teal We Meet Agin CAA, TKI, OA, AXJ, FO, CGC – R Cutshall
Best Veteran In Sweeps
- GCHB CH Metak’s Miss Demeanor FDC, IT (B 10-12)
Best of Opposite Sex To Best Veteran In Sweeps
- CH Winterson’s Blue Moon Rising RE, FDC, CAX, CGC, TKN (D 8-10)
Oldest Dog In Veteran Sweeps
- GCH CH Cascade ‘N Starstruck Surfin’ Sahalie CA, BCAT (D 12+)
Oldest Bitch In Veteran Sweeps
- GCHB CH K2 Triple Shot White Chocolate Mocha CAA, BCAT, HIC (B 12+)
Working Sweepstakes
Judge: Ms. Lorrie McAlister
Held at The Founder’s Inn and Spa, Virginia Beach, VA
September 27, 2023
Sweepstakes – Working (32 Dogs, 48 Bitches)
Dogs, Working Novice (20 entered, 2 absent)
- Singing Dog’s Dream A Little Dream RN, CGC, TKN – K Stepp
- CH Limelight N ArticCross On The Road Again CD, FDC – J Rydstrand
- CH Niwot’s Brightest Light In The Darkest Place RN – L Fetzer / J Putnins / A McKenney
- CH Snokrest’s Spirit Of Icy Valor RN, DCAT, TKN, RATO, CZ8B – C BouthillerA Flynn
Dogs, Working Intermediate (9 entered)
- GCHS CH Alpine Glo’s Signature Delight BN, RE, FDC, OAP, OJP, CA, FCAT9. ACT2, ACT2J. SIN, SEN, SBN, THD, RATS, CZ8B, OSD, CGCA, CGCU, TKP, ATT, VHMA, FITG – L Marino / T Marino
- CH Double Helix Peter Pan’s Shadow RE, CGC, WSX – S Bost / G Bost
- GCH CH Chelistina’s Amazing Zenith RA, CGC, WSX – G Bost / S Bost
- CH Kyser Bearr’s NY’s Finest Diamond WSX – M D’Antonio / A D’Antonio
Dogs, Working Advanced (5 entered)
- GCH CH Safyr’s Cosmic Hallelujah WSXM, CD, BN, RA, FDC, BCAT, CGCA, CGCU, TKN, ATT, FITG,WPD, WPDX, WPD-S, WPDX-S, TT – D Nelson / S Nelson
- GCH CH Snobiz Northern Pursuit WSXM, CA, DCAT – R Clark
- CH, RACH Double Helix California Dreamin’ UD, BN, RM4, RAE2, NAP, OJP, OFP, SCN, CGC, TKI – K Stepp
- CH Silverstorm’s Enchanted One CD, BN, RE, AXP, AJP, DCAT – H Smith
Bitches, Working Novice (33 entered, 1 absent)
- Alp ‘N Rock’s Never Summers At Star Chey CA – C Cusack / B Sencenbaugh / D Sencenbaugh
- GCHB CH Saratoga’s Catching Snowflakes CGC, TKA – H Nieman / B Bolena
- GCH CH Krystal Zima’s Ursa Minor RN, FDC, CAA, FCAT2, CGCU, TKA, ATT – B Bickham / M Cowing / A Capitos
- Wintersong N Doubletake’s Cosmic Corruption RE, DCAT, CGC, TKN, ATT – D O’Connell / D Cummings / K Cummings / B Burke
Bitches, Working Intermediate (6 entered)
- GCH CH Rexann’s Cyberian Express @ Ashby FDC, CA, FCAT8, RATN, CGC, TKP, ATT, FITG, WSX, WPA – D Dudley
- ArticCross Miss Fortune Fees The Fish FDC, CA, BCAT, RATN, RATI CGCA, CGCU, TKI, FITG, WSX– E Pham / J Rydstrand
- GCH CH ArticCross Tokyo Snow Drift CGC, TKN, CA, BCAT, NA, NAJ, NAF, OA, OAJ, OAF – M Powers / J Rydstrand
- GCH CH Urban Pluse Lines Of Perfection Meka OA, NAJ, CA, BCAT – L Wendel / D Wendel
Bitches, Working Advanced (10 entered)
- GCH CH Safyr’s Burning Desire WSXM, RN, FDC, CAA, BCAT, CGCA, CGCU, TKN, ATT, FITG, CHWPD, WPDS, WPDX-S, WPDS-S, – D Nelson / S Nelson
- CH Galaxy & Cascade’s Surfin’ The Stars CD, PCD, BN, RE, AXP AJP, BCAT, CGCA, TKA , WSX– K Regan / D Dotson / C Hollenback
- CH, RACH Ancient Dreams’ Maleficent Of Haku BN, CD, RM3, RAE2, TKA, CGCU – B Powers
- OTCH, MACH, RACH Double Helix Love Will Thaw UDX5, OGMM BN, GN, VER, RM2, RAE3, MX5, MJB, MXP, OF, T2B– M Drexler
Best In Working Sweeps
- GCH CH Rexann’s Cyberian Express @ Ashby FDC, CA, FCAT8, RATN, CGC, TKP, ATT, FITG, WSX, WPA (B Int)
Best of Opposite Sex To Best In Working Sweeps
- GCHS CH Alpine Glo’s Signature Delight BN, RE, FDC, OAP, OJP, CA, FCAT9. ACT2, ACT2J. SIN, SEN, SBN, THD, RATS, CZ8B, OSD, CGCA, CGCU, TKP, ATT, VHMA, FITG (D Int)
Judge: Mr. Larry F. Mackai
Held at The Founders Inn and Spa, Virginia Beach, VA
September 28, 2023
Regular Dog Classes (49 Dogs, WD 5 pts, RWD 3 pts)
Dogs, Puppy 6 to 9 Months (4 entered)
- Vanderbilt’s Lucky Shot – J Elford / B Elford
- ArticCross Fat Guy In A Little Coat – G Cashen / J Rydstrand
- Solid Gold New Beginning – A Sommer
- Polar Mist Professor Bumbledore – K Anderson
Dogs, Puppy 9 to 12 Months (7 entered)
- EJ’s Patrol Leader – K Carr / J Carr / E Flahaut
- Moonlighter’s Dancing The Happy Dance – J Nonhof / C Ibold
- Cot’N Pic’N Proclaiming The Good News – S Collins
- Velvet Sky’s When You’re Smiling – D O’Connor / M O’Connor / N Ramsey
Dogs, 12 to 18 Months (8 entered)
- White Eagle’s Bohemian Rhapsody – M Augustus / J Augustus
- Safyr’s Koda Bear Takes Life By The Raines – D R Richards
- Kalabria’s Sugar Maple Diamond – M D’Antonio / A D’Antonio
- Doubletake’s Champagne Supernova – B Burke
Dogs, Bred-By-Exhibitor 6 & Under 12 Months (6 entered)
- Snowbright’s Too Lo-Ki For Me – T Sigulinsky / R Sigulinsky / M Majidzadeh
- ArticCross Kraken Big Jokes In Church – T Barkman / A Barkman / J Rydstrand
- Atomic Lord Of The Ring – D DeFonzo
- Koukla’s Winston C. – A Jarrett / A Jarrett / T Mitchell
Dogs, Bred-By-Exhibitor 12+ Months (4 entered, 1 absent)
- Kalabria’s Japanese Cryptomeria – K McCloskey
- Karatyll’s Kadence Of Light – K Farlow / B Winslow / M Sorley
- Pearl – Sanorka “You Don’t Know Jack” – D DuPont / D Walther / J Hovelmann
Dogs, American Bred (8 entered)
- K-Way & Fyr’N Ice Blues Boy – A Arnoff
- Nalu The Surf Rider – E Mitchell / R A Alrick
- Arctic Ice’s He’s All That – P EganY Mann / B Mann / T Lynch / C Hopkins
- Solid Gold Moral To The Story CA DJ TKN NA NAJ – S Visbeck
Dogs, Open (13 entered)
- Can GCH Skilo Bear’s Deluxe Bentley – M Gobeil
- ArticCross Turning Up The Heat CGC TKN – M Yin / J Rydstrand
- DzLegndary The Punisher – D Ellis
- Wintersong’s In Hot Water RN, BCAT – N Spear / K Cummings / D Cummings
Winners Dog
- Can GCH Skilo Bear’s Deluxe Bentley (Open)
Reserve Winners Dog
- Snowbright’s Too Lo-Ki For Me (BBE 6-12)
Non-Regular Dog Classes
Judge: Mr. Larry F. Mackai
Dogs, Veteran 8 to 10 Years (8 entered, 1 absent)
- GCH CH Northwoods HH Legende De L’Arctique – D Galante / A Gannon
- GCHS CH Cuvee’s Insignia At Sterling – M McNeil
- CH Kolinka’s Ace Of Heart – N Gray
- Can CH Samtos’s I Did It My Way – T Gibson
Dogs, Veteran 10 to 12 Years (6 entered, 1 absent)
- GCH CH Rexann’s Curtain Call RN FDC CGCA CGCU ATT – K Bube / D Cummings
- CH Northstar’s Tundra Haukaa TD – P Richards / C Davis / L Green
- GCHB CH Moonlighter’s Solitary Man RE OJP OAP ACT2 CGCA TKI BCAT RATO WSXM TDIAOV – L Gliemi
- CH Bilrost’s Corellian Scoundrel CA – J Putnins
Dogs, Veteran 12 Years and Up (2 entered)
- GCH CH Cascade ‘N Starstruck Surfin’ Sahalie CA BCAT – C Hollenback / D Rautio
- CH San Juan Orion The Light Of Dawn RN – A Myrick / A Myrick
Dogs, Working (9 entered, 3 absent)
- GCHS CH Metak’s Walkin’ Fella-Nee At Rexann RN BCAT CAA FDC TKA CGCA CGCU ATT – K Bube / K Hodges
- GCH CH Snobiz N Double Helix Got My Game On WSX DCAT – R Clark
- CH Snokrest’s Spirit Of Icy Valor RN DCAT TKN RATO CZ8B – C Bouthiller
Dogs, Stud Dog (11 entered, 2 absent)
- GCH CH Cirque D’ Samz Tanks 4 The Memories At Arctic Fox – D Garcia
- GCHG CH Cot’N Pic’N Top Shelf – M Goodenough / J Elford
- GCHG CH Skilo Bear’s Heart On The Mend – H Sullivan
- GCH CH Ivory Storm’s Chinook Full Circle – W Meznarsic / D Meznarsic
Judge: Mrs. Patricia V. Trotter
Held at The Founders Inn and Spa, Virginia Beach, VA
September 29, 2023
Regular Bitch Classes (110 Bitches, WB 5 pts, RWB 3 pts)
Bitches, Puppy 6 to 9 Months (14 entered, 1 absent)
- Vanderbilt’s Lucky Ducky – J Elford / B Elford
- Snowshoe’s Shiny New Year – G Cashen / H Galloway
- Vanderbilt’s Lucky Rainbow – E Wong / J Elford / B Elford
- Vanderbilt’s More Than Luck – S Smith / E Smith / J Elford / B Elford
Bitches, Puppy 9 to 12 Months (10 entered)
- Vanderbilt’s Sweet Little Lies – E Wong / J Elford / B Elford
- ArticCross I Found A Clue At Singing Dog RN – M Drexler
- Niwot N 5M Talking Back In Your Native Tongue – J Putnins / C Martin / L Fetzer / R CoxAlpine Glo’s Strutting In Style – G Burgoyne / C Montgomery
Bitches, 12 to 18 Months (16 entered, 2 absent)
- Sunkaska’s Almost Heaven – L Worth-Poirier
- Snowater’s Flamin’ Hot Snostopper – F Blair / A Blair / D Hauser
- Safyr’s Who’ll Stop The Rain RATI RATN FDC– B Orr / D Nelson / L Chikosky
- Kalabria’s Aspens Quake At Pipedream – E Moore / D Moore
Bitches, Bred-By-Exhibitor 6 & Under 12 Months (17 entered, 3 absent)
- Atomic American Beauty – D DeFonzo
- Saratoga’s Chasing Snowflakes – H Nieman / B Bolena
- Sweet T’s Gemmy Mackenzie Of Castle Leoch – T Santiago / R Santiago
- Silverplume’s Moonlight Lady – T Schopfer
Bitches, Bred-By-Exhibitor 12+ Months (21 entered, 4 absent)
- Celticfrost A Time To Rise – J Deleo / L Deleo
- Starquest Aries Shooting For The Stars 5M – C Martin / R Martin / M Lageshulte
- Snobiz A Journey Thru Time SCN – R Clark / J Clark
- Kolinka’s Precious Jania – N Gray / M Augustus
Bitches, American Bred (15 entered)
- ArticCross Miss Fortune Feeds The Fish FDC CA BCAT RATN RATI CGCA CGCU TKI FITG WSX – E Pham / J Rydstrand
- ArticCross Bilrost N Icecrown’s Mistress Of Dreams – A Myrick / A Myrick
- Sweet T’s Three’s Company BCAT – T Santiago / R Santiago / G Bost
- Yukon’s Diamonds R Forever – F Bullock
Bitches, Open (30 entered, 3 absent)
- White Eagle’s Free Spirit – D Haynes / S Lowell / M Augustus
- DzLegndary Dancing Queen At O’Blako – P Freudig / D Ellis
- Vanderbilt’s New Money – T Leininger / B Leininger / J Elford / B Elford
- Skilo Bear’s Love Story – H Sullivan
Winners Bitch
- Atomic American Beauty (BBE 6-12)
Reserve Winners Bitch
- Vanderbilt’s Sweet Little Lies (9-12)
Non-Regular Bitch Classes
Judge: Mrs. Patricia V. Trotter
Bitches, Veteran 8 to 10 Years (11 entered)
- OTCH MACH RACH Double Helix Love Will Thaw UDX5 OGMM BN GN VER RM2 RAE3 MX5 MJB MXP OF T2B – M Drexler
- GCHB CH Polar Mist N’ Mishka’s Walks N’ Moonlight CA CGC TKN – M Chiovaro
- CH Double Helix Snowdogs Rising Star At Snobiz AX OAJ NF CA BCAT WSXM – R Clark
- GCH CH SFX ArticCross French Kiss CA CGC – L Chapek-Carleton / K Williams
Bitches, Veteran 10 to 12 Years (12 entered)
- GCH CH Polar Mist Double Trouble At Sarasea RI NJP CGC – R Moore
- Sterling’s Song Of The Knight – M McNeil
- GCHB CH Metak’s Miss Demeanor FDC IT – K Brooks-Hodges / Q Hodges
- GCH CH Daystar’s Tsarina Natasha CAA BCAT – M Cowing
Bitches, Veteran 12 Years and Up (6 entered, 1 absent)
- GCHB CH K2 Triple Shot White Chocolate Mocha CAA BCAT HIC – T Palks / S Palks
- CH Pearl Snickerdoodles – D DuPont / D Walther / J Hovelmann
- GCH CH Dbl Helix ArticCross Nu Blood At SFX CA – L Chapek-Carleton / K Williams
- Poltergeist’s Teal We Meet Again CAA TKI OA AXJ FO CGC – R Cutshall
Bitches, Working (11 entered, 2 absent)
- Snobiz Makes My Heart Smile CGC TKN RATN RN – J Gerdes
- CH ArticCross N Bilrost Turn The Page AX AXJ RN CGC – A Dunkle / J Rydstrand
- Wintersong’s Absolutely Smitten RN – L Hunkins / D Cummings
Bitches, Brood Bitch (6 entered)
- CH ArticCross You’re Kraken Me Up At Infusion FDC – S Pruchnik / A Dunkle / J Rydstrand
- GCHB CH Sugarcoat N Koukla Let’s Cha Cha Cha CGC ATT VSWB – T Mitchell / M Chiovara
- CH McMagic’s Ziti Top – P McCallum
- GCHB CH Ivory Storm’s Runnin’ With The Devil NAP NJP BCAT – K Filicetti / J Filicetti
Judge: Mrs. Judy E. Mears
Held at The Founders Inn and Spa, Virginia Beach, VA
September 30, 2023
Best Of Breed
(125 in Competition, 63 Dogs, 62 Bitches)
(Dogs: 69 entered – 6 absent = 63 + 3 Veterans + 1 Working + WD = 68)
(Bitches: 67 entered – 5 absent = 62 + 3 Veterans + 1 Working + WB = 67)
(Award of Merit Computation: 69 Entered Specials Dogs + 67 Entered Specials Bitches + 1 WD + 1 WB + 8 from Non-Regular Classes = 146 10% [always rounded down] = 14 Awards Of Merit)
Best Of Breed & Best Owner Handled
- GCH CH Cot’n Pic’n Take It From The Top At Sarasea (D) – R Moore (5 GCH points)
Best Of Opposite Sex To Best Of Breed
- GCHB CH Saratoga’s Catching Snowflake CGC, TKA (B) – H Nieman / B Bolena (5 GCH points)
Select Dog
- GCH CH Delmar Dreams’ Where There’s Smoke – S Hoover / A Sandusky / M Sandusky (5 GCH points)
Select Bitch
- GCHB CH Millcreek’s On A Starquest BCAT CGC TKN – P Griffin / M Lageschulte (5 GCH points)
Best Of Winners, Best Puppy, & Best Bred By Exhibitor
- Atomic American Beauty (B BBE 6-12) – D DeFonzo
Awards Of Merit
- GCH CH Northwoods HH Legende De L’Arctique (D) – D Galante / A Gannon
- GCH CH Snobiz Northern Pursuit WSXM CA DCA (D) – R Clark
- CH Isbjorn’s Sikumi Ode To Winterdreams (D) – L Wendel / D Wendel / L Roark
- CH Snowbright’s Fast Track To Stardom (D) – R Sigulinsky / T Sigulinsky/ W Fealko
- GCHG CH White Eagle’s Whiskey In The Jar (D) – S Lowell
- GCH CH Winterpeg’s Winx (B) – J Woods
- Elfenbein White Clover BCAT (B) – J Shea / E Shea
- GCHB CH Winter Whisper’s Sterling Keepsake (B) – S Alt / M McNeil
- GCH CH Ivory Storm’s Come Hell’R High Water (B) – K Filicetti / J Filicetti
Best Veteran Dog & Award Of Merit
- GCH CH Cascade ‘N Starstruck’s Surfin’ Sahalie CA BCAT (D) – C Hollenback / D Rautio
Best Working & Award Of Merit
- GCHS CH Metak’s Walkin’ Fella-Nee At Rexann RN BCAT CAA FDC TKA CGCA CGCU ATT (D) – K Bube / K Brooks-Hodges
Brace Competition (12 entered, 3 absent)
Judge: Mrs. Judy E. Mears
- GCH CH Bilrost’s Dark Side Of The Rainbow RN, CA (B) – J Putnins / A VerBruggen / S Martin
CH Bilrost’s Out of This World RI, CA, CGC (B) – J Putnins / A VerBruggen - CH Snobiz Quicksilver Girl O’Star Chey FCAT2 (B) – D Sencenbaugh / R Sencenbaugh
Snobiz The Story In Your Eyes T’ Star Chey FCAT2 (B) – D Sencenbaugh / R Sencenbaugh - Niwot N 5M From The Sphere Of Happiness (B) – J Putnins / C Martin / L Fetzer / R Cox
Niwot N 5M Talking Back In Your Native Tongue (B) – T Speed / R Speed - Doubletake’s Fish N On The Fly BN, RA, ACT1J, CGC (B) – D O’Connell / E O’Connell
Wintersong N Doubletake’s Cosmic Corruption RE, DCAT, CGC, TKN, ATT (B) – D O’Connell / D Cummings / Kcummings / B Burke
Team Competition (2 entered)
Judge: Mrs. Judy E. Mears
- Sweet T’s Three’s Company BCAT (B) – T Santiago / R Santiago / G Bost
GCH CH Sweet T’s Come And Knock On Our Door At Second Star RN, CGC (D) – G Bost / S Bost / R Santiago - CH Double Helix Peter Pan’s Shadow RE, CGC, WSX (D) – S Bost / G Bost
GCH CH Chelestina’s Amazing Zenith RA, CGC, WSX (D) – G Bost / S Bost - ArticCross French Toast RN (B) – A Dunkle / J Rydstrand
CH ArticCross N Bilrost EQ Scandalous RN (B) – L Bjelke / J Rydstrand / A Dunkle - ArticCross Miss Fortune Feeds The Fish FDC, CA, BCAT, RATN, RATI CGCA, CGCU, TKI, FITG, WSX (B) – E Pham / J Rydstrand
CH ArticCross You’re Kraken Me Up At Infusion FDC (B) – S Pruchnik / A Dunkle / J Rydstrand V Dice / D Dice
Junior Showmanship
Judge: Mrs. Karen McFarlane
Held at The Founder’s Inn and Spa, Virginia Beach, VA
September 30, 2023
Junior Showmanship – (12 entered)
Novice Junior (3 entered)
- Freyja Fischer – Sweet T’s Timeless Love At Primal Voice – K Fischer / T Santiago
- Vivienne Ralston – CH Double Helix Eternal Winter – R Dunahugh-Ralston / V Dice / V Ralston
- Genesis Salter – Chronical’s Sweet T’s Tiki Tiki Babeloo – D Salter / G Salter
Open Junior (2 entered)
- Kyra Vance – GCHB CH Snowbright’s Girls Like Fast Cars Too CGC TKN – M Vance / A Vance / T Sigulinsky / R Sigulinsky
- Jonah Lindner – CH Silverstorm’s Nova Eos RN CGC TKI – L Lindner / D Lindner / J Lindner / L Lindner
Open Intermediate (5 entered)
- Brielle Bolena – GCHB CH Saratoga’s Catching Snowflakes CGC TKA – H Neiman / B Bolena
- Savanna Martin – Niwot’s Master Of Everything Muggle RN BCAT CGCA – S Martin / J Putnins / C Martin / C Martin
- Raina McCloskey – CH Sun‘N Moon’s Divine Intervention Of Daystar – K McCloskey
- Andrew Sullivan – White Magic’s Blast From The Past For Casull – A Sullivan
Open Senior (2 entered, 1 absent)
- Keira Cummings – Wintersong N Doubletake’s Cosmic Corruption RE DCAT CGC TKN ATT – D O’Connell / D Cummings / K Cummings / B Burke
Best Junior Handler
- Brielle Bolena
Reserve Best Junior Handler
- Kyra Vance
SCA Agility results
Family Dog Club, Chesapeake, VA 9/25/2023
Judge: Shannon Jones
38 dogs entered, 114 entries
FAST results
Novice B FAST 24 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Novice preferred FAST 16 inch: 4 entered, 1 AB, 3 NQ
Novice preferred FAST 20 inch: 2 entered, 1 AB, 0 NQ, 1 Q
1st place: Ch Galaxy Cascade’s Surfin’ The Stars CD PCD BN RE AXP AJP BCAT CGCA TKA, bitch, Owner: Kathleen Regan and D Dotson and C Hollenback
Open FAST 16 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Open FAST 20 inch: 5 entered, 4 NQ, 1 Q
1st place: White Magic Flower Girl, bitch, Owner: Andrea Ruzzo and Adam Ruzzo
Open preferred FAST 16 inch: 5 entered, 1 AB, 4 NQ
Open preferred FAST 20 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Excellent FAST 20 inch: 3 entered, 3 NQ
Excellent preferred FAST 20 inch: 1 entered, 1 AB
Master FAST 20 inch: 1 entered, 0 NQ, 1 Q
1st place: MACH Crosmar-EJ’s Swirling Storm Cloud, bitch, Owner: Louanne Burrows and Robert Burrows
Master preferred FAST 16 inch: 2 entered, 1 NQ, 1 Q
1st place: PACH4 Wind Chaser’s Twilight Sparkle Over Vegas UDX OM1 RM2 RAE2 MXP11 MJP13, bitch, Owner: Debbie Seder
Time 2 Beat Results
Time 2 Beat 16 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Time 2 Beat 20 inch: 8 entered, 7 NQ, 1 Q
10 points: RACH Double Helix Write Your Happy Medium UD OM1 BN VER RM2 RAE2 MX MXJ
Time 2 Beat 24 inches: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Time 2 Beat Preferred 16 inches: 7 entered, 3 NQ, 4 Q
10points: OTCH MACH RACH Double Helix Love Will Thaw OGM UDX5 BN GN VER RM2 RAE3 MXB MJS MXP MJP OF T2B, bitch, Owner: Mary Drexler
7 points: PACH4 Wind Chaser’s Twilight Sparkle Over Vegas UDX OM1 RM2 RAE2 MXP11 MJP13, bitch, Owner: Debbie Seder
7 points: MACH Snowbiz Flying Without Wings, dog, Owner: Sheila McIntosh
5 points: Ch Dormo’s It Is All About MeMe NA NAJ NF, bitch, Owner: Maria Chow
Time 2 Beat Preferred 20 inch: 3 entered, 1 AB, 1 NQ, 1 Q
10 points: Ch Galaxy Cascade’s Surfin’ The Stars CD PCD BN RE AXP AJP BCAT CGCA TKA, bitch, Owner: Kathleen Regan and D Dotson and C Hollenback
Fastest overall Q: RACH Double Helix Write Your Happy Medium UD OM1 BN VER RM2 RAE2 MX MXJ
Novice Standard Results
Novice A Standard 20 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Novice A Standard 24 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Novice B Standard 20 inch: 3 entered, 3 NQ
Novice Preferred Standard 16 inch: 5 entered, 5 NQ
Novice Preferred Standard 20 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Open Standard Results
Open Standard 20 inch: 2 entered, 2 NQ
Open Standard 24 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Open Preferred Standard 16 inch: 1 entered, 0 NQ, 1 Q
1st place: Ch Dormo’s It Is All About MeMe NA NAJ NF, bitch, owner Maria Chow
Open Preferred Standard 20 inch: 1 entered, 1 AB
Excellent/Master Standard Results
Excellent Standard 20 inch: 4 entered, 4 NQ
Master Standard 16 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Master Standard 20 inch: 5 entered, 4 NQ, 1 Q
1st place: MACH Crossmar-EJ’s Swirling Storm Cloud, bitch, Owner: Louanne Burrows and Bob Burrows
Excellent Preferred Standard 16 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Master Preferred Standard 16 inch: 6 entered, 1 AB, 3 NQ, 2 Q
1st place: PACH4 Wind Chaser’s Twilight Sparkle Over Vegas UDX OM1 RM2 RAE2 MXP11 MJP13, bitch, Owner: Debbie Seder
2nd place: Ch Articcross N Bilrost Turn The Page RN AX AXJ CGC, bitch, Owner: Andrea Dunkle and Julie Rydstrand
Master Preferred Standard 20 inches: 3 entered, 3 NQ
Novice JWW Results
Novice A JWW 24 inch: 1 entered, 1 AB
Novice B JWW 20 inch: 2 entered, 1 AB, 1 NQ
Novice Preferred JWW 16 inch: 6 entered, 1 Ab, 5 NQ
Novice Preferred JWW 20 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Open JWW Results
Open JWW 20 inch: 2 entered, 2 NQ
Open JWW 24 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Open Preferred JWW 16 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Excellent/Master JWW Results
Excellent JWW 16 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Excellent JWW 20 inch: 3 entered, 3 NQ
Master JWW 20 inch: 5 entered, 1 AB, 3 NQ, 1 Q
1st Place: RACH Double Helix Write Your Happy Medium UD OM1 BN VER RM2 RAE2 MX MXJ, bitch, Owner: Mary Drexler
Excellent Preferred JWW 16 inch: 1 entered, 1 NQ
Excellent Preferred JWW 20 inch: 1 entered, 1 AB
Master Preferred JWW 16 inch: 6 entered, 3 NQ, 3 Q
1st place: MACH Snowbiz Flying Without Wings, dog, Owner: Sheila McIntosh
2nd place: PACH4 Wind Chaser’s Twilight Sparkle Over Vegas UDX OM1 RM2 RAE2 MXP11 MJP13, bitch, Owner: Debbie Seder
3rd place: Ch Articcross N Bilrost Turn The Page RN AX AXJ CGC, bitch, Owner: Andrea Dunkle and Julie Rydstrand
Master Preferred JWW 20 inch: 3 entered, 2 NQ, 1 Q
1st place: Ch Silverstorm’s Enchanted One CD RE AXP AJP OFP TKN DCAT, dog, Owner: Helen Smith
Fastest Combined Double Q: PACH4 Wind Chaser’s Twilight Sparkle Over Vegas UDX OM1 RM2 RAE2 MXP11 MJP13, bitch, Owner: Debbie Seder
Judge: Mr. David Brobst
Held at Dog Gone Good, Virginia Beach, VA
September 27, 2023
Obedience Trial (18 Regular + 6 Non-Regular = 24 entered)
Novice Class A (2 entered, 1 NQ, 1 absent)
Novice Class B (6 entered, 3 NQ)
- 190 Wind Chaser’s Sparklin Baby Breeze BN RI RE OA NAJ OF RATN – D Seder
- 189.5 MACH Crosmar-EJ’s Swirling Storm Cloud BN RE MXS MJS MFB TQX T2B BCAT CGC TKN – L Burrows / R Burrows
- 189 ArticCross N Bilrost Sun Glitter Dare To Shine BN RI FCAT CGCA CGCU
TKA ORT NW2 – J Adams / J Rydstrand
Open Class A (6 entered, 5 NQ)
- 190.5 CH Azteca’s Dream Catcher CD RI – L Peterson / J Liebes / E Liebes
Open Class B (2 entered, 1 NQ)
- 189 PACH4 Windchaser’s Twilight Sparkle Over Vegas UDX OM1 BN GNGO RM2 RAE2 MXP11 MXPC MJP13 MJPC PAX4 TQXP MFPB2 BCAT RATO – D Seder
Utility Class B (2 entered, 1 NQ)
183 CH RACH Double Helix California Dreamin’ UD BN RM4 RAE2 NAP OJP OFP SCN CGC TKI – K Stepp
High In Trial
CH Azteca’s Dream Catcher CD RI – L Peterson / J Liebes / E Liebes (Open A)
Beginner Novice B (4 entered, 1 absent)
- 190 Solid Gold Follow My Lead RN CGC TKN – M Berry Beyer / B Beyer
- 189 Solid Gold Simon Says BN RE CGCA,TKN – M Berry Beyer / B Beyer
- 187.5 GCH CH Snowshoe’s Thank You For Being A Friend RN CGC TKN – S Slagle
Veteran’s Class (2 entered)
Judge: Mr. David Brobst
- 173.5 GCH CH Double Helix Back In Time CD BN GN RM3 RAE2 OA NAJ AXP OJP NFP TKN HCT – K Heidt
Judge: Mr. David Brobst
Held at Dog Gone Good, Virginia Beach, VA
September 27, 2023
Rally Trial (72 entered, 9 absent)
Rally Novice Class A (5 entered, 1 NQ)
- 192 GCH CG White Gold’s JC’s Clair De Lune – J Stevens
- 187 Solid Gold Moral To The Story CA, DJ, TKN, NA, NAJ – S Visbeck
- 83 CH Sun ‘N Moon’s Divine Intervention Of Daystar – K McClosky
- 75 Snowater’s Flamin’ Hot Snostopper – F Blair / A Blair / D Hauser
Rally Novice Class B (10 entered, 2 absent)
- 98 GCH CH ArticCross Tokyo Snow Drift CGC, TKN, CA, BCAT, NA, NAJ, NAF, OA, OAJ, OAF – M Powers / J Rydstrand
- 96 GCH CH Snowshoe’s Thank You For Being A Friend RN, CGC, TKN – S Slagle
- 94 Niwot’s Happily Dancing With Nymphs – J Putnins / S Martin / C Martin / R Cox
- 93 Solid Gold My Heart Will Go On – E Wells / M Wells / S Maisel
- Q 93 Snobiz Makes My Heart Smile CGC, TKN, RATN, RN – J Gerdes
- Q 89 CH ArticCross N Limelight Spiced Chai Frappe CA, CGC – N Young Collins / J Rydstrand
- Q 88 GCH CH Solid Gold Mighty Bridge To The North CGC, TKN – J Banacki
- Q 75 CH ArticCross A Pinch To Brow An Inch FDC – N Young Collins / J Rydstrand / A Dunkle
Rally Intermediate Class (15 entered, 3 absent, 3 NQ)
- 95 CH Solid Gold Right As Rain In Southern California RN, CGC – E Wells / M Wells
- 88 Solid Gold Follow My Lead RN, CGC, TKN – M Berry Beyer / B Beyer
- 82 CH Krystal Zima’s Late To The Party RN, CA, FCAT, CGC, TKN, ATT – B Bickham / M Cowing / A Capitos
- 80 Wintersong’s Absolutely Smitten RN – L Hunkins / D Cummings
- Q 80 GCHB CH T-Snow Star’s Feel’n The Need For Speed RN, FCAT, ACT2, ACT2J, SCN, SIN, THDN, RATCHX, CZ8P, CGCA, CGCU, TKN, ATT, FITB, WSX – C Compton / A Green / M Willdigg / L Ragsdale
- Q 77 Snokrest Spirit Of Arendelle Castle RN, DCAT, CGC, TKN, RATCH, CZ8S – C Bouthiller
- Q 77 Snobiz Makes My Heart Smile CGC, TKN, RATN, RN – J Gerdes
- Q 75 CH Niwot’s Brightest Light In The Darkest Place RN – L Fetzer / J Putnins / A McKenney
- Q 75 Daystar’s Oksana Of Jungfrau CGC, RN – J Showalter
Rally Advanced Class A (7 entered, 1 absent, 3 NQ)
- 93 MACH Snobiz Flying Without Wings RI, MXS, MJG, OF, T2B, CAA, THOX, CGC, TKI – S McIntosh
- 93 Alchemy’s Sublime Transmutation CGC, RI, TKI – E Turner
- 83 Wind Chaser’s Northern Exposure – P Lewis
Rally Advanced Class B (13 entered, 2 absent, 2 NQ)
- 100 MACH Crosmar-EJ’s Swirling Storm Cloud BN, RE, MXS, MJS, MFB, TQX, T2B, BCAT, CGC, TKN – L Burrows / R Burrows
- 99 PACH4 Windchaser’s Twilight Sparkle Over Vegas UDX, OM1, BN, GNGO, RM2, RAE2, MXP11, MXPC, MJP13, MJPC, PAX4, TQXP, MFPB2, BCAT, RATO – D Seder
- 98 CH RACH Ancient Dream’s Maleficent of Haku BN, CD, RM3, RAE2, TKA, CGCU – B Powers
- 97 Wind Chaser’s Sparkling Baby Breeze BN, RI, RE, OA, NAJ, OF, RATN – D Seder
- Q 97 Wind Chaser’s Sparkling Pink Shimmer BN, CD, RI, RE, OAJ, OF, NA, RATO – D Seder
- Q 96 Silverstorm’s Limitless At Haku BN, CD, RA, BCAT, CGCU, ATT, TKI – B Powers
- Q 95 ArticCross N Bilrost Sun Glitter Dare To Shine BN, RI, FCAT, CGCA, CGCU, TKA, ORT, NW2 – J Adams / J Rydstrand
- Q 92 MACH Poltergeist Azure Image Of Fame MCA, MGJ, FX, RI, MBJ, TKA – R Cutshall
- Q 91 GCH CH Alpine Glo’s Jubilant Melody At Wedgewood WS, RI, RN, TKI, TKN, CGC – A Storm Gould / C Montgomery
Rally Excellent Class B (10 entered, 1 NQ)
- 100 PACH4 Windchaser’s Twilight Sparkle Over Vegas UDX, OM1, BN, GNGO, RM2, RAE2, MXP11, MXPC, MJP13, MJPC, PAX4, TQXP, MFPB2, BCAT, RATO – D Seder
- 100 MACH Crosmar-EJ’s Swirling Storm Cloud BN, RE, MXS, MJS, MFB, TQX, T2B, BCAT, CGC, TKN – L Burrows / R Burrows
- 98 Wind Chaser’s Sparkling Baby Breeze BN, RI, RE, OA, NAJ, OF, RATN – D Seder
- 96 Wind Chaser’s Sparkling Pink Shimmer BN, CD, RI, RE, OAJ, OF, NA, RATO – D Seder
- Q 96 CH RACH Ancient Dream’s Maleficent of Haku BN, CD, RM3, RAE2, TKA, CGCU – B Powers
- Q 94 GCH CH White Magic’s She Will Blow You Away CD, BN, RA, AXP, AJP, NFP, ACT2, ACT2J, THDX, CGC, TKI – P Zezima / S Zezima
- Q 88 CH Silverstorm’s Enchanted One CD, BN, RE, AXP, AJP, DCAT – H Smith
- Q 87 Doubletake’s Fish N On The Fly BN, RA, ACT1J, CGC – D O’Connell / E O’Connell
- Q 79 White Magic’s Flower Girl BN, RA, AX, AXJ, OF, BCAT, CGCA, TKP – A Ruzzo / A Ruzzo
Rally Master Class (11 entered, 1 absent, 2 NQ)
- 99 MACH Crosmar-EJ’s Swirling Storm Cloud BN, RE, MXS, MJS, MFB, TQX, T2B, BCAT, CGC, TKN – L Burrows / R Burrows
- 96 GCH CH Double Helix Back In Time CD, BN, GN, RM3, RAE2, OA, NAJ, AXP, OJP, NFP, TKN, HCT – K Heidt
- 95 MACH, PACH3 Vegas-WindChaser’s Light Of Nevada UDX2. OM1, GN, GO, RAE2, RM2, MXS, MJS, MXP10, MXPC, MJP10, MJPC, PAX3, XF, MFPB, TQXP, T2B, T2BP, BCAT, RATCHX2, CZ8PB – D Seder
- 94 CH Silverstorm’s Enchanted One CD, BN, RE, AXP, AJP, DCAT – H Smith
- Q 91 CH RACH Ancient Dream’s Maleficent of Haku BN, CD, RM3, RAE2, TKA, CGCU – B Powers
- Q 89 PACH4 Windchaser’s Twilight Sparkle Over Vegas UDX, OM1, BN, GNGO, RM2, RAE2, MXP11, MXPC, MJP13, MJPC, PAX4, TQXP, MFPB2, BCAT, RATO – D Seder
- Q 87 Wind Chaser’s Sparkling Baby Breeze BN, RI, RE, OA, NAJ, OF, RATN – D Seder
- Q 75 Solid Gold Simon Says BN, RE, CGCA, TKN – M Berry Beyer / B Beyer
Rally Choice Class (1 entered)
- 98 CH RACH Double Helix California Dreamin’ UD, BN, RM4, RAE2, NAP, OJP, OFP, SCN, CGC, TKI – K Stepp,
High Combined Triple Qualifying Score in Advanced B, Excellent B, Master
- MACH Crosmar-EJ’s Swirling Storm Cloud BN, RE, MXS, MJS, MFB, TQX, T2B, BCAT, CGC, TKN – L Burrows / R Burrows
High Combined Scoring Dog in Advanced B & Excellent B
- MACH Crosmar-EJ’s Swirling Storm Cloud BN, RE, MXS, MJS, MFB, TQX, T2B, BCAT, CGC, TKN – L Burrows / R Burrows
Judges: Erin Ledbetter and Carol Lundquist
Held at Isle of Calais, Smithfield, VA
September 23-24, 2023
The following Samoyeds earned one leg of the Herding Capability Test:
- Sershan’s Penny Lane At Novaskaya
- Wintersong’s In Hot Water RN BCAT
- Yukon’s Diamonds R Forever
- Alpine Glo’s Queen Of Asgard RATN DN FITB
The following Samoyeds earned two legs of the Herding Capability Test under two different Judges (and their HCT title!):
- GCH CH Snowshoe’s Thank You For Being A Friend RN CGC TKN
- GCH CH Krystal Zima’s Dances On Air CAA FCAT CGC
- CH Silverstorm’s Enchanted One CD RE AXP AJP
- White Magic Flower Girl
- GCH CH Pebble’s Run Marco Polo Quinto Angelo CGC RA TKI OAP OJP NFP BCAT RATO
- Safyr’s Who’ll Stop The Rain
- Silverstorm’s Starry Sky
- Snobiz Makes My Heart Smile CGC TKN RATN
- Kraios Knight Glow
- GCH CH Winterpeg’s Rags To Riches
- GCH CH Winterpeg’s Teija
- CH RACH Ancient Dream’s Maleficient Of Haku RN CF RM3 RAE2 TKA
- GCH CH White Magic’s She Will Blow You Away
- Limelight Take The Scenic Route TKN
- ArticCross Turning Up The Heat CGC TKN
- Kolinka’s Talia
- GCH CH Alpine Glo’s Jubilant Melody At Wedgewood WS RI RN TKI TKN CGC
- ArticCross N Bilrost Icecrown’s Mistress Of Dreams
- Trillium’s Puttin On The Fritz
- Trillium’s Firedancer
- GCH CH White Eagle’s Quintessential
The following Samoyeds earned one leg of the Junior Herding Dog Test:
- White Magic Flower Girl
The following Samoyeds earned two legs of the Junior Herding Dog Test under two different Judges (and their JHD title!):
- GCH CH Krystal Zima’s Dances On Air CAA FCAT CGC
- CH Silverstorm’s Enchanted One CD RE AXP AJP
The test and trial were “Samoyed Preferred,” so we had some new friends who looked a little different in the pen throughout the day. However, our beloved Snowshoe’s Christmas Eve Gift Ride CD BN RE NA NAJ THDA CGC swept Samoyed High in Trial both days, with his high daily scores of 65 & 71 in HTAD I. It was thrilling to have so much activity going on throughout the day and even though our dogs got a bit dirty, they did come clean at the end!
The exhibitors demonstrated that not only our Samoyeds are versatile – the humans are too! With a hurricane/tropical storm threatening to cancel the event on Saturday, we all hung in there and made it happen in the end. Thank you for your flexibility! Our location was absolutely beautiful, the property owner was so hospitable, lunch was amazing, the sheep were well-mannered for the most part, the rustlers were amazing, and our esteemed Judges were top notch! I hope everyone had as much fun as I did! Hope to see you at a herding event in the future!
Your 2023 Sheep Concierge,
Kathy Smith